I spent the better half of my 20s making all the wrong choices for myself and then dealing with the consequences. It was a full blown roller coaster that involved 17 moves, 4 trips across the country, becoming a mother, and losing everything I had including my freedom.
It took me thirty years to realize how fucking capable I truly am, especially when it comes to making profound mind shifts and altering the trajectory of my life (& now others).
When I recall not just one but three rock bottom moments in 2019, I often look back on the incredible strength I had to keep going. My mind filled with doubt and anxiety was normal for me and yet when I made a big move to declare my first business, I recognized a part of me that I feared most.
I was seeing and hearing my worst nightmare come true.
Not willing to accept that for my life, and the cycle from my childhood that I was starting to repeat, I decided to give therapy another try. With already so much knowledge of psychology and behavior change, talk therapy was not cutting it. I needed something different & that's exactly what I got.
The first time I took a deep dive into my inner world I was shocked at the changes that came through the next day without even trying.
Instantly I wanted more, and that's what I sought. Day after day, month after month, I just kept moving the dial in a different direction. The path eventually lead me into Somatic Trainings with the Emotional Freedom Technique. I was trained in the McDonald Manifestation Method and knew before enrolling in the Certification Program I was about to live a totally different life.
Today I get to facilitate the process of undoing and rediscovering.
I help women feel safe within their body so they are showing up with the energy and confidence that has always lived within them.
In order to shine brighter you must begin by taking off the weight of your old stories. Your core was untouched by limiting beliefs at birth. We are meant to travel the distance to heal from our past traumas so we can go the distance and embody our truth from this point further.
Tuning & Tapping in
Self-inquiry is the basis of all personal development. There's a powerful shift that happens as a result of consistently rephrasing your thoughts, but it does take some time. If you want fast results you need to get your whole body on board. This is where Synchronize MindBody Method comes in and helps navigate a new narration of your life- one with more peace + joy and less anxiety.
No one is meant to do this alone. When we come together our courage, strength and love is amplified. Join Juliana and other #rebelspirits inside Harmony Within (A Free Facebook Community for Women) to help you unload and unleash truth, peace & power.
Ready to start shifting OLD beliefs and resetting your nervous system to be on board with your next move?
👉I will only share my best tips & tools to give you the leverage you need to bust through the glass ceiling